Deuteronomy 2.24
On your feet now. Get started.
listen soul, God has spoken to you. he is ready to give you what he has promised, he is ready to do what he said he would do. get up on your feet now and get started on the fulfillment of his great plan. whatever he said he will do, he will do - that word he struck deep in your heart, that word you cannot deny, that word of health, of provision, of courage and strength under fire, that word of encouragement, that word of grace, that word of victory whatever your circumstance it, now is the time to apply those words to your life! now is the time to let them happen! now is the time for what you believe in your heart to come out in the open, to be birthed from the spirit into the physical, for you to actually lay hold of it and trust him with it with all your being and just go! on your feet! stand up! be the victor! now! get started!
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