Deuteronomy 3.24
What god in heaven or Earth can do anything like what you've done!
no one! nothing! nobody has and could ever match you, could even come close to who you are, to your level, your Godhood! you are not just most holy, you ARE holy! different! in your own league alone, you work in a totally different platform, from a totally higher perspective, with a totally different set of insight, from a totally pure heart of love! amazing, God, you deserve our praise, our honour, our attribution, our devotion, our obedience, heart, sacrifice, love, joy, ups, downs, everything! you deserve it all and more! NO ONE could ever be as sovereign as you, NO ONE could ever be on time as you, NO ONE could ever be as generous as you, NO ONE could ever be as loving as you, NO ONE could ever be as wise as you, NO ONE could ever match your record, lord! how great you are! the greatest one of all! amen!
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