Exodus 6.6
I am GOD. I will bring you out from under the cruel hard labor of Egypt.
thank you lord that YOU ARE GOD! thank you lord for who you are - that's the foundation of all that you do, that's the security of all you say, the surety of all you promise! they're all because of who you are - YOU ARE GOD! thank you for such promise, lord, for seeing our situation, for seeing our plight - spiritual, and yes, even physical! thank you lord that you see every injustice, everything that falls out of your plan, all things that don't agree with you, and you bring us out of all that! thank you lord, thank you for all your promises, we are SURE in all you call out, in all the words that you speak, in all the promises you make. thank you thank you and praise you lord! praise you lord.
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