Deuteronomy 9.5
It's nothing that you've done that got you here; it's so that he can keep his promised word to your ancestors.
oh God all glory, all honour, all praise, all gratitude go to you, father! thank you for what you have done, jesus, thank you for your presence, holy spirit, thank you that every single good thing that you have done, every single promise you have fulfilled, every single wonderful word you have made is not because of my performance, not because of how good i thought i was, not because of how bad i really am, but all because of you, you alone! yes, despite how i foolishly puff myself up or despite how much i succumb to guilt thrown at me by the enemy, these things never interfere with your plans, your promises, your good will, your perfect plan - you do all these because you are good, you are true, you made your promise and you stand by your word. THAT's my confidence, THAT's my hope! praise you lord.
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