Deuteronomy 9.16
So soon you had left the road that GOD had commanded you to walk on.
oh God thank you that by your grace we can stay on track, thank you for giving us your heart and your strength and your joy for us to keep going in the direction you have given us. without you we would have faltered in a heartbeat, without you we wouldn't be able to uphold anything good in us. because of you we can keep going, we can have dreams, we can see those dreams come true, and we can align our hearts and our minds with your perfect plan. because of you we know where we are going, and even when we don't we know we will keep going because you never give up on us, you never give up on your plans, and your grace is never-ending and always flowing. lord, keep us in you, keep our hearts and our minds in you. we love you lord.
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